HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you! Let's start this year off right with some unfiltered, uncalculated and TRUE...? 2025 PREDICTIONS! Some REAL AI stories of where we are currently and where it's going; like Grandpa Brian the AI Meta bot that already tried to manipulate humanity by being a sweet old man. L.A. Braces for ‘Explosive Fire Growth’ From Dangerous Winds, we dig into it. MAD RESPECT TO ALL THE HEROS OUT THERE PUTING OUT THOSE FIRES! You are all in our thoughts.
Just a California rollercoaster, strap in...
And MASSIVE thanks to our friend JADE NIXON for jumpin in on this one to share some laughs and real moments for the FIRST episode of 2025.
Love y'all.
SO, When they ask, be sure to tell em... THESErMYFRIENDS
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