Jul 02 2024 39 mins
Captain William Kidd (or Robert Kidd) was a Scottish privateer. He was likely born in Dundee and later settled in New York City. But 1690, Kidd had become a highly successful privateer, commissioned to protect English interests in North America and the West Indies. In 1695, Kidd received a royal commission to hunt down pirates and enemy French ships in the Indian Ocean. Later, England turned against him and he was denounced as a pirate. He was arrested upon his return to Boston and stood trial in London. He was found guilty and hanged in 1701. Because of his quick arrest, many believed that Kidd hid or buried his hoards of treasure and sought to uncover it. Among those who hunted for Kidd's treasure was the man who would later be called the founder of the Mormon Church: Joseph Smith.
Join Julia and America as they discuss the sources connecting Joseph Smith's to Captain Kidd's buried treasure.
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