Nov 25 2024 19 mins 3
Around the world – in both mature and young democracies, elections continue to be a flashpoint for violence. Researchers at our department recently released a model for forecasting violence related to elections, which could help inform the work to protect and promote democracy and electoral integrity around the globe. In this episode we interview David Randahl and Hanne Fjelde, who worked on the project, to explore how the model works and what it could be used for.
The research was led by David Randahl, and the team also included Maxine Leis, Tim Gåsste, Hanne Fjelde and Håvard Hegre based at our department, as well as Staffan I. Lindberg from the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg and Steven Wilson from the Department of Politics at Brandeis University. The study was a collaboration with the Kofi Annan Foundation.
The paper is available as a pre-print through the VDEM working paper series website
This episode is hosted by Joakim Palmén, Communications Officer at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research.