Jun 14 2021 34 mins 44
Meet host Oliver Brackenbury as he introduces the podcast, himself, and the titular novel "Untitled Sword & Sorcery novel". He also discusses the genre of sword & sorcery, then shares his experience working with an editor on the short story which become the first chapter of the novel.
It can be lonely writing a novel, and Oliver would love some company. Maybe, through the podcast, you'll join him?
Want to see inside The Denim Notebook Oliver mentions, the one where he's outlining the novel? Check out this public blog post over on the show's Patreon!
PATREON: www.patreon.com/soimwritinganovel
BUY OLIVER'S BOOKS: https://www.oliverbrackenbury.com/store
SO I'M WRITING A NOVEL... TWITTER: https://twitter.com/so_writing
OLIVER'S TWITTER: https://twitter.com/obrackenbury
Oliver's Link Tree (For everything else): https://linktr.ee/obrackenbury