Happy Birthday, Kurt Russell! In honor of a day that should be marked a national holiday, the team unites to look back at one of his more light-hearted classics: OVERBOARD! Joined by extra special guest co-host EK Wimmer, the ReconCineTeam celebrates the union of Kurt and Goldie, Garry Marshall's transition from TV to features, Kurt's separation from John Carpenter, Goldie Hawn's truly brilliant performance, and the greatest movie poster in history. Plus, early memories of the film, the troublesome plot points that haven't aged as well, the magic of a Randy Newman song and so much more!
Happy 73rd, Kurt... to honor it, we're going OVERBOARD!
Twitter/IG: @reconcinemation
Cover and Episode Art by Curtis Moore (IG: curt986)
Theme by E.K. Wimmer (ekwimmer.com)