Mar 06 2025 49 mins
Welcome to 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff'. We're regular dudes who like to watch stuff and then talk about it! So simple, even we can handle it... hopefully.
It's been a HOT minute since we got together so we're spending this episode talking about what we've been filling our eyeholes with since last time.
Thanks for checking out this episode of 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff', we're on social media @DudesWatchStuff and on the internet at
Please note this episode could contain SPOILERS for various shows and movies. We will avoid any major, "game-changing" spoilers, but a few minor details might slip past the goalie.
Check, Check, Check It Out:
0:00 - Welcome to 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff'
1:51 - "Holes in this House" - What we've been filling our holes with
26:57 - "The Hype Train" - Upcoming releases we're HYPED to check out
31:54 - "Sterling Suggestions" - Recommendations for your to check out
36:29 - "The Six Degrees of Lebowski"
37:30 - "The Questions Three"
45:20 - "Next time on... Regular Dudes Watch Stuff"
47:35 - Thanks for checking 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff'
Thanks again for checking us out, please feel free to check out some of our other podcasts/shows. All are available on YouTube and all podcast platforms.
My Cousin Innie (Covering 'Severance' from Apple TV+)
Romancing the Gemstones (Covering "The Righteous Gemstones" from HBO)
The Bear Brigade (Covering "The Bear" from FX & Hulu)
Seize the Gap Fantasy Football (@SeizeTheGapFF) (Covering Fantasy Football, DFS, Dynasty Football, Wagering and MORE!)
The Night Pod Cometh (@NightPodCometh) (Covering 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia')
There's Something About Shoresy (Covering 'Shoresy' from CRAVE/Hulu)
Compound B: A Show About "The Boys" (@CompoundBPod) (Covering "The Boys" and "Gen V" from Prime Video)
Drunk on Dragons (@DrunkOnDragons) (Covering the HBO Series 'House of the Dragon')
Suc10 (Covering "Succession" from HBO)
The Ozark Podcast (@OzarkPodcast) (Covering the Netflix show 'Ozark')
The Barry Podcast (@BarryPodcast) (Covering the HBO Series 'Barry')
Saul Over Soon (@SaulOverSoon) (Covering 'Better Call Saul')
PBP: A Peaky Blinders Podcast (@PeakyPodcast) (Covering 'Peaky Blinders')
Thanks for checking out this episode of Regular Dudes Watch Stuff. Find us on social media @DudesWatchStuff.
Thanks again for checking out our show, please remember the F.L.A.P.S. and we'll be back very soon, and trust us, you won't wanna miss this!
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