Feb 06 2025 86 mins 63
What are the most common issues/controversies that come up between roommates?
Are there any halachic requirements to keep your place clean?
Do you violate Gezel Sheina when your alarm wakes up your roommate?
Can you borrow your roommates’ pots, books, pillow, toothpaste, etc. without permission?
What happens with the kitchen when roommates have different standards of Kashrus?
Host: Ari Wasserman, author of the newly published, revised and expanded book Making it Work, on workplace challenges
with Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld – Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Dovid and posek of Kav Halacha Beis Hora'ah – 8:49
with Rabbi Moshe Elefant – Head of Kashrus for OU Kosher; Rabbi, Zichron Yosef Ohel Aryeh, Borough Park - 29:19
with Mrs. Debbie Fox – clinical social worker and author of Seminary Savvy – 47:43
with Rav Yitzchak Spivak – Dorm Counselor at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh – 59:11
Conclusions and Takeaways – 1:13:26
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