One might say that The Guys are a skeleton crew of sorts: Robbie does the editing, Jay writes the episode descriptions, and Art does the impressions. But do they perform these essential functions in space? While being chased by pirates? Light years from home on a spaceship run by a banged up droid with memory issues?
Unfortunately, the answer is D: none of the above. Instead, they live vicariously through the latest Star Wars series from Disney+: Skeleton Crew. And they answer critical questions like, Is Mr. Law a Jude-i? Did they hear that one pirate say, “Did I do that??” And what is the real treasure, besides the opportunity to listen to this podcast early and often? Be sure to catch Jay’s Regrettable Segment for perhaps the first Regrettable to be truly redeemed.
This week’s Geeks range from Oscar noms (Dune wins!) to Supergirl, from the new Storm to the best place in Brazil to get a haircut and pick up an Iron Man helmet at the same time. Don’t hit the self-destruct button! Just hit play.