May 30 2023 5 mins
Today's episode topic: EFT Tapping for Running for the PTA, PTO, PA
Your hosts — and fairy godmothers in Tapping — Collette Schildkraut and Lee Uehara know how nervous one can feel when considering running for a position on the executive board of a Parent Teacher Association, a Parent Association, or a Parent Teacher Organization.
But, now we have a Tap for that, mommas!
Today's Set-up Statement:
"Even though I'm scared and excited about the thought of running for a position on the executive board of my PTA, PTO, or PA, that's where I'm at [or, "and I deeply and completely love and accept myself."]."
You can always visit Lee and Collette at, or on Instagram, or you can email them: [email protected]. They'd love to hear from you!
If you'd like to have Lee and Collette speak at your event or lead a workshop, please let them know this, too. And, if you like the idea of having them as a guest on your own show, please connect with them today!