Jul 06 2023 124 mins
Kathryn was a Mormon from the age of 2 until 42 and in 2020 she had an awakening where she realised Mormonism was…..bullshit. We talk about her life as a Mormon, the type of things she used to believe in and what the institution was like. We go into the details of exactly how she came to question the truth of Mormonism, her leaving of the church and what her current life of freedom is like. She has completed a course with cult expert Steven Hassan to help her understand the nature of cults and the process of leaving them. She is due to start a university degree in the study in coercive control. Hearing stories like Kathryn’s are profoundly helpful as we all fall prey to ideological capture of some kind at different times in our lives whether religious, philosophical or political. We can also become free from these ideologies becoming wiser, humbled and more discerning.
For more information on ex-Mormon’s: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/
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P and C owned by Ralph Cree 2023