Mar 11 2024 29 mins 3
Nearly 150 MILLION Americans live within 2 hours of an ocean... so the concept of "hunting the coastal waters" is something that we all need to be aware of and support. Just like hunting, angling opportunity is part of the basic human experience, and as a community we need to be concerned about habitat quality, access and opportunity.
Nearly 1200 pages of petitions have recently been submitted to the Calif. F&G Commission, most of them attempting to severely limit your opportunity to "hunt coastal waters" in California. Just like protecting the mtn lion hunt in Colorado, we need to become informed, and rally to support angling opportunity when it is arbitrarily threatened.
Please listen in follow the below links and and help us take action... **We need to stop these MPA expansions and closures in order to maintain angling access and opportunity in our coastal waters**
- Email the Calif. F&G Commission: [email protected]
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif. - Action Item
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif - IG
- HOWL for Wildlife - Action Center
#marine #angling #spearfishing #california #fishing #offshorefishing #surfing #sportfishing #surffishing #hunting #advocacy #backcountryhunters #bha #allwaters