Reading Will Help Your Child Be Successful For The Rest Of Their Lives With Yvette Boucher CEO Of Lil Learners Luv Learning

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Jul 04 2024 9 mins  


Yvette Boucher CEO of Lil Learners Luv Learning, a certified kindergarten teacher for 20 years, and an experienced online teacher. She loves to teach little learners. Her passion is teaching children to read. Nothing excites Yvette more than to see a student's face light up as they start to read. Her teaching style includes music and movement along with a hands-on approach while incorporating all subjects. Her goal is to teach your child a love for learning and help set them up for success.

Top three takeaways

  1. When a child can read, they can learn anything and it will help them be successful for the rest of their lives!

  2. It is so important for children to feel confident and successful as learners and readers.

  3. How she provides a variety of ways for children to learn with different learning styles.

Call to Action

Lil Learners Luv Learning Official Website

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The Homeschool Advantage Podcast