Oct 18 2024 66 mins 6
We are kicking off Season Four with a recap of Anne of Ingleside! We’ll walk you through the highlights of the sixth Anne book to set up our conversations in the next episodes. We also chat about Ragon’s birthday and our favorite dog items.
Inspired by: We are inspired by our dogs this week!
Kelly is inspired by a dog water bowl that keeps her floors at least semi-dry, the <a href=”https://www.amazon.com/AONKEY-Dispenser-Dripless-Drinking-Drinkers/dp/B0CWGP1P9D?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1”> dripless dog water bowl</a> .
Ragon is inspired by the <a href=”https://a.co/d/1mKP6uf”> Tricky Treat Ball</a> to keep her dog occupied!
If you want to get a free logo sticker from us, either leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or share your love for the pod on social media! Send us a photo of your share or review at either our email: [email protected] or on our
<a href=”https://www.instagram.com/kindredspirits.bookclub/”> KindredSpirits.BookClub Instagram</a>
Inspired by: We are inspired by our dogs this week!
Kelly is inspired by a dog water bowl that keeps her floors at least semi-dry, the <a href=”https://www.amazon.com/AONKEY-Dispenser-Dripless-Drinking-Drinkers/dp/B0CWGP1P9D?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1”> dripless dog water bowl</a> .
Ragon is inspired by the <a href=”https://a.co/d/1mKP6uf”> Tricky Treat Ball</a> to keep her dog occupied!
If you want to get a free logo sticker from us, either leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or share your love for the pod on social media! Send us a photo of your share or review at either our email: [email protected] or on our
<a href=”https://www.instagram.com/kindredspirits.bookclub/”> KindredSpirits.BookClub Instagram</a>