Oct 07 2024 168 mins
Mulder and Wolfie T kick off their Horror Extravaganza with returning local legend, Zolly Becker! The theme for this year's Extravaganza is Horror Remakes, and for this episode, Mulder chose House of Wax (2005). It's virtually a remake in name only, however we do discuss the earlier iterations from 1933 and 1953, as well as some other films we believe to be the actual inspirations for H.O.W. '05. We also broaden the discussion to touch on other remakes from the late 90's to the late 2000's. This episode got a little crazy with the tangents but by and large, they usually came back around and connected in some way to House of Wax. In fact, we discovered how this much maligned and mostly forgotten remake changed the course of Zolly's life, forever. Find out how in this very special and very surreal episode of WTM: Watch This Movie.
Zolly's Letterboxd can be found HERE. You can find Mulder on Letterboxd HERE. Wolfie's profile can be found HERE.
Zolly's YouTube page can be found HERE.
Zolly can be found on Twitter/X right HERE. You can follow WTM on Twitter/X right HERE.
Brett/Wolfie's Twitter/X can be found HERE.