Mar 03 2025 20 mins
This shorter episode is a discussion of the Handler's Seminar the RMPLC (and I) are hosting April 6, at the club lease just north of Brighton CO. This will be for all levels of handlers at retriever events, Junior, Started CP to Finished and Master. Handling a dog well is exactly equivalent to a good athlete having an okay coach or a coach really suited to them and very knowledgeable in their coaching skills. We need to be a great coach for our canine athletes. Preparedness for success begins with how you train each day, how you interact with your dog before, during and after training, and creating muscle memory for superb handling, so you do the right thing even when you are nervous or encounter unexpected things in competition. Sign up and more information will be available on the RMPLC Website. There will be room for a certain number of dogs, but not the number of people who wish to come. Love to see you there!