Jan 26 2025 37 mins 1
A summary of this podcast can be found at NewCrystalMind.com and my Patreon page.
I’ve been puzzled and curious for a long time about Bigfoot’s ability to cause electromagnetic changes in its environment. Witnesses often report that the sounds of their environment become muffled or wholly extinguished. They’ll say the forest became unusually silent. There were no sounds of insects, birds, or wind. Just nothing. Secondly, they note that the area suddenly becomes inexplicably cold. Even in summer, their location becomes cold. A sudden fog might appear. Finally, they note that the creature they observe is very dark, “blacker than black” (1), and seems to be darker than the background as the creature’s fur appears to absorb light.
In short, witnesses to Bigfoot and other cryptids often report:
1. Sudden silence
2. Inexplicable cold, sometimes includes the rapid appearance of fog
3. The creature looked like a dark, black blob, darker than the trees.
When I wrote Dark Matter Monsters (2022), these observations and other strange EM effects led me to believe that Bigfoot and cryptids use a different state of matter than we ordinarily perceive. This could be dark matter, relic neutrinos from space, or other types of coherent matter. The evidence for this comes from experimental research in different kinds of cohesive matter, including lasers, sound, LENR, and well-known effects like the Bose-Einstein Condensate. (For example, researcher Jean-Paul Biberian mentioned in one presentation that turning on cold fusion/LENR reactors makes his lab colder(9)).
(The documentary film A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot contains many witnesses to some of these strange effects (8)).
Having recently read Gerald Pollack‘s excellent book The Fourth State of Water: Beyond Solid Liquid and Vapor (2013), it seems to me that the cause of the strange EM effects around Bigfoots are possibly caused by their ability to create structured water: a self-organized charge-driven state of water that makes its molecules stack into sheets potentially millions of layers thick. Pollack shows that structured water has several EM properties, including storing electric charges like a battery and absorbing infrared energy from the environment. This capacity to absorb “incident radiant energy” is highly reminiscent of Nikola Tesla’s research and suggests that coherent states of water have energetic qualities not seen in its other states. This includes structured water, which Pollack calls “EZ water,” or Exclusion Zone water, which can harvest energy from sound and any heat source. As examples, Pollack gives examples of deep sea creatures that survive at the dark bottoms of Earth’s oceans by absorbing infrared energy.
Here I look at structured water, what Gerald Pollack calls the "Fourth Phase of Water", and its ability to allow water to accumulate electric charge and act like a battery. Pollack believes that structured "EZ" water can absorb incident radiant energy, including sound, from the environment. Lifeforms can thus harness this energy to create charge clusters and other types of coherent matter.
(1) Fred Roehl interview by Jim Meyer, Untold Radio Network (April 2, 2024) https://www.youtube.com/live/-I-kqzJd42w
(2) Ken R. Shoulders. EV: a Tale of Discovery(1987); Permittivity Transitions (2000)
(3) Ken Shoulders and John Hutchison discussion, transcribed by Bob Greenyer https://steemit.com/dtube/@mfmp/nzssv2y3
(4) Space. Earth. Human. (2019) Alexander Parkhomov. https://www.amazon.com/SPACE-EARTH-HUMAN-Views-Science/dp/171122121X
(5) Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse: Collected Works of Takaaki Matsumoto (1989-1999). https://www.amazon.com/Steps-Discovery-Electro-Nuclear-Collapse-Collected/dp/B0B6XS3M7D
(6) Lockheed Martin Patent. (2016) “Systems and methods for generating coherent matterwave beams” https://patents.google.com/patent/US9502202B2/en
(7) Voices in the Wilderness: A True Story. (2019) Ron Morehead. https://www.amazon.com/Voices-Wilderness-Story-Ronald-Morehead-ebook/dp/B08196C1J8
(8) A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot (2023) https://www.amazon.com/Flash-Beauty-Paranormal-Bigfoot/dp/B0CP99LHP2/
(9) “ICCF24 Presents: Jean-Paul Biberian- Lattice Energy Conversion Replications with QA by Frank Gordon” https://youtu.be/pjbt0EP5oHw