Greg answers questions about whether prayers are pointless if God knows what will happen, why we would be held responsible for Adam and Eve’s decisions, how John 3:13 could say no one has ascended into Heaven, and interactions between non-physical things and physical things.
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If God knows what will happen tomorrow, then God cannot change tomorrow, which means all prayers are null and void and cannot change anything. (00:00)
Why would anyone be responsible for Adam and Eve’s decisions? The idea that we’re born sick and in need of a savior is simply immoral and unjust Christian dogma meant to control your mind. (19:00)
How do you reconcile John 3:13 (which says that no one has ascended into Heaven) with Lazarus (whom Jesus raised from the dead) and with 2 Corinthians 5:6–9 (which says that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord)? (36:00)
A Jehovah’s Witness said sin became embedded in Adam and Eve’s DNA, and I asked how something non-physical can be embedded in something physical, but then I realized that I do think our soul can interact with our body, so what is the difference between these two ideas? (46:00)
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