Apr 25 2024 37 mins
Today, we're joined by Evan Wade. Evan is the President and CEO of Epoch Lending from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is also the Founder of EpochOS, an all-in-one business management tool for mortgage brokers to automate accounting, finance, business intelligence, commission calculation, and more.
Evan is here to discuss:
→ Starting in banking at 19, becoming a Loan Officer, and transitioning to CEO and founding his own company.
→ The importance of expertise and product knowledge to set yourself apart in the industry.
→ How you can start and maintain your mortgage business and make it run efficiently.
Epoch Lending's Website: www.epochfg.com
EpochOS' Website: www.epochos.com
Evan Wade's LinkedIn: @EvanWade
Evan Wade's Facebook: @EvanWade
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website: www.loansondemand.io
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula