Nov 06 2023 27 mins 2
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Contact me, and let's hear your journey!
When people are starting to question faith in any capacity, but more so with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I never suggest just looking into the church. Trying to prove the falsehood or truth of the church can lead to some weird and very emotional places.
Instead, I say, go on a Jesus Journey. We need to get to know Him above all else.
- He is the Word
- He is With God
- He is God
- He was in the beginning
- He is the creator of all things- Nothing was made that was made
- He is the Light of Men
- Fulfiller of prophecy
- Giver of light and life
- The one to make us children of God
- Glory and the Giver of Grace
Contact me, and let's hear your journey!
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