Jun 08 2020 370 mins
Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life Spiritual Show.
My Irish Celtic Dream: Episode 2
Hi! My name is Ray Eason (or Ra Ea to some of you).
Today I'll be sharing with you a very clear dream I had on February 8 2019.
At that time, I had been working with some Celtic Energies and was discussing with a young friend about Queen Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII (Tudor), and Ann Boelyn.
We must all begin somewhere.
Everyone's path is different.
But we all start at the beginning.
A couple of years ago, I had an urge to get a DNA test.
I was always told that my grandmother was part African American and Part Mexican and was shocked when my DNA test returned nothing of Mexican origin.
However, I did learn that I had a large portion of Morrocan in me, along with 2% - 4% British & Irish ancestry.
My friends all joked and laughed saying, "Well that makes sense!".
You'll understand this more as we get to know one another.