Jan 27 2025 168 mins 1
Daniel Buitrago & Brandon Fifield are on site @ the 2025 Sheep Show in Reno, Nevada! Our first year attending the event and so tune as we are soaking it all in! Tune in and listen as we have a great list of guest speakers.
- Segment 1: Thursday - w/Kevin Kehoe - 2025 Sheep Show Intro
Thank you to AK WSF for having AWP @ the show, Family vibe @ the sheep show, the sheep show youth section and activities, exceptional organization of the event, gracious guest and staff, biologist hall of fame?, gotta book early folks, biologist connections, celebrating 47 years if the sheep show, 19 Sheep Jurisdictions in the world, Nick Nolty Safari’s, make sure to buy a table seat for the AK WSF Banquet April 12th, Desert Bighorn Sheep hunt “Life Member” Giveaway, The Chugach Dall Sheep raffle, Bear viewing giveaway, the gift of volunteer time
• ⁃ Segment 2: Friday
- w/Jack Ahtcheson (Legendary Hunting Consultant & Kurt Alt (Former Biologist & WSF Conservation Director)
Mongolian government, adopting the WSF conservation model, biologist, outfitters and government working as a team, Argali research center, retaining citizen hunting, red books, hunting consulting, funned going to the right, ear marked funds, measuring success by measuring the impact, The Hurley Scholarship fund, wild sheep internship, behind the scene work happening at the sheep show, be bold or go home, Mongolian Conservation permit, import conditions, not all hunting is conservation, and not all conservation is hunting, Mongolian chess champions, F.A.C.E,
- Segment 3: Saturday w/Shane Mahoney
A church like feel to the event and community, 15 million hunters annually in the US, over 1,4 billion meals are harvested annually, 4.3 billion to replace wild game, the prevision of wild food, our revolutionary past, “eat wild live free”, what is the North American American Model of Conservation, the Lacey act, fundamentals of wild life conservation, 981 million raised in the purchase of licenses, 34 billion in revenue raised by haters annually, the holy grail, what if hunting went away, hunting is not a side show, the marshal plan, One Natural World, One Humanity, One Chance… Conservation Matters,”
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