Nov 26 2024 62 mins
“God didn’t come to be our personal assistant; he came to save us and bring us into communion with him, so that we might have access to his divine life and power and live from the truth that we are children of a good and capable Father.”
Are you ready for the best Advent ever?? As a lifelong Catholic, I feel like I've done ALL the Catholic things. Yet I still fear surrendering to God, I still care what other people think too much, I still struggle to get off my phone, and a million other things. Why?
Because there are parts of me that haven't met Jesus yet.
I know you'll love Heather Khym's insights from her new book Encountering Emmanuel that will make this your best Advent ever!
- Achievable hospitality: How doing life together engenders authenticity and vulnerability
- A peek into Heather’s experience of God speaking and her personal prayer routine
- The ONLY thing you need to focus on in busy seasons (especially Advent!)
- Does Jesus truly want to satisfy our desires, or want us to sacrifice them?
- Making God the Lord of your life, not your personal assistant
- What is God up to when it feels like he’s giving you the “silent treatment”?
- Identifying the parts of yourself that haven’t met Jesus yet
Thank you to today's sponsor, CWCNFP (Catholic Women and Couples Natural Family Planning.) They offer FREE virtual NFP courses in the Billings ovulation method. English and Spanish courses offered! Find CWCNFP on Instagram @cwcnfp and on Facebook at