While we’ve only had one episode thus far of Disney+’s newest MCU offering, it’s definitely started out well! From the acting to the designs and the writing itself, Teegan and our guest host this week - their very own husband, Lee! - explore how and why episode 1 works and how it effectively conveys a new character for the MCU as well as the importance of diversity in representation which includes neurodivergencies like DID. Just keep in mind that this episode is not spoiler-free, as we discuss specific things and characters from episode 1!
Intro: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unconceptual/Unconceptual_LP/Unconceptual_-_Unconceptual_LP_-_11_Wacky_Game_Nothing_Inappropriate_Bonus_Mix
Outro: https://icons8.com/author/spaceinvader
Intro: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unconceptual/Unconceptual_LP/Unconceptual_-_Unconceptual_LP_-_11_Wacky_Game_Nothing_Inappropriate_Bonus_Mix
Outro: https://icons8.com/author/spaceinvader