Jan 26 2025 45 mins 4
In a new experiment for the Wildly Tarot Podcast Ettie embarks on their first solo episode! Starting with a pep talk for listeners about embracing change and staying grounded through life's transitions.
In this week’s listener question they dive deep into a listener asking about navigating the challenges of being in a relationship friends and family are less than enthusiastic about.
The deck of the episode is the stunning Black Salt Tarot by Logan (@larkandlegend). You can find their decks in their etsy shop and save their kickstarter page to support them when Pink Sugar Oracle debuts!
As always you can follow Wildly Tarot Podcast on Instagram and support the podcast on Patreon! Also you can purchase readings from Ettie in the Wildly Tarot shop and contact them about reviewing your Tarot media in the form on the Wildly Tarot Website.