The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part IX

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Feb 06 2025 61 mins   6

I was struck this evening not only with the wisdom of St. John’s counsel in regard to the care of souls, but also the beauty of the heart of the Shepherd that emerges as we read through the text. Only a heart that has been conformed to Christ and a life that in every way has become prophetic in the sense of bearing witness to the love, humility, and obedience of the kingdom can give itself over to the care of other souls. The role of an elder is not simply to instruct, reprove and guide but above all to love. His affection for those in his care as well as for all people must lead him to console others as he himself has been consoled. He approaches this reality not with a spirit of condescension but rather as one who has been humbled by life and his own poverty and lifted up by the mercy of Christ. It is a spirit of gratitude that leads him to enter into the struggle of others with a spirit of generosity. He feels no revulsion at the sight of sin or weakness. Rather, it draws his attention and draws forth from his heart, compassion and mercy.

One of the most striking things we considered this evening was the nature of obedience. St. John tells us that it is the very definition of obedience to be fearless and to have no anxiety about anything at all. The truly obedient heart of an elder can calmly guide, direct, and comfort others without saying a single word.

It is this reality that we are to embody in our lives; whether priest, religious, married or single. The best and the beautiful are meant for all and that which comes to us from the hand of our Lord must be freely extended to others. Thus, to have the care of souls is part of the very nature of Christian life.


Text of chat during the group:

00:08:38 Bob Cihak: P. 257, # 64

00:15:03 Wayne: The idea of repentance is the major focus of the Eastern practise.

00:21:51 Myles Davidson: "Flee from discussions of dogma as from an unruly lion" St. Isaac the Syrian

00:23:43 Bob Cihak: Reacted to ""Flee from discussio..." with 👍

00:31:34 Daniel Allen: That’s the best definition I’ve ever heard of obedience. Applicable even to mundane things, unafraid of the death of the ego in order to obey on a whim.

00:32:00 David: Obedience is often faith and humbling of the intellect. What one believes can be based on feelings what one knows is very little

00:33:06 Anthony: An acquaintance told me theology is or should be like chemistry: predictable, according to something like law. I think it's more like cooking: the artful and beautiful and surprising use of "chemistry" without necessarily "knowing" the "rules" in depth.

00:36:58 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: I often find myself rejoicing as I do physical labor that because of my religious vows/dedicated life, even cleaning offers worship to God!

00:37:39 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to I often find myself ... with "❤️"

00:40:19 David: Reacted to "I often find myself ..." with 👍

00:41:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "I often find myself ..." with 👍

00:42:10 Lee Graham: Reacted to "I often find myself …" with ❤️

00:44:44 Thomas Dilts: For me, Brother Lawrence best demonstrated day to day labors as service to God.

00:50:21 St. Stanislaus Kostka Religious Education: St. Andre Bessette...sickly and poor, orphaned and seemingly of a lower intellect

00:53:21 Adam Paige: All the T’s are pronounced in Bessette

00:53:30 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "All the T’s are pron..." with 👍🏼

00:53:37 Anthony: It maybe would be good to have a "Sons / Daughters of the Covenant" arrangement of single people to live within and among parishes.

00:54:44 Adam Paige: Pronounced like “buh-set”. We call him Saint Brother André locally (I live a 40 minutes walk from his tomb)

00:59:35 Anthony: In the Gospel, Jesus told a demonic Not to be a "traditional disciple" but sent him on his own mission among his peopl.

01:00:43 David: A convent I used to visit in Tlaxcala Mexico used to put a mirror in every room and waited till anyone that came asked for it to be removed as a sign they were ready to actually leave vanity and focus on Christ. I was really stuck by something that simple being used with novices.

01:03:39 Bob Cihak: Be careful about mud huts. My father was born in one. My uncle Frank lived in a mud hut when he got his own lad to farm. When he married, he built and outhouse so that his new wife wouldn't have to go to nature to do those natural things.

01:09:52 paul g.: My birthday is Feb 4th too😊.

01:10:13 Suzanne Romano: I was baptized on Feb 4!

01:10:20 Francisco Ingham: We love you Father

01:10:25 Anthony: ❤️

01:10:28 Francisco Ingham: You are the absolute best

01:11:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

01:11:17 Jeffrey Ott: Thank you! Great to be with you all

01:11:21 David: Bless you father and your Mom!

01:11:21 Mary Clare Wax: thank you

01:11:28 David: Thank you

01:11:29 Art iPhone: Welcome all