Tending the Mind: Healing and High Performance S1_E4

Sep 15 2023 27 mins  

Episode 4 Tending the Mind: Healing and High-Performance

-CBT, A-B-C, cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, metacognition, system 1 & 2 thinking, emotional intelligence.

-Prudence, sagacity: logic, reasoning, critical thinking, sound decision-making

Theoretical Framework 1: -Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow: System 1 & 2 Thinking

Personal anecdotes: -Matt Hastings: flight school (learning: slow, deliberate), flying (remedial action: quick, intuitive) -Mike Kenny: CQB, airborne ops

Theoretical Framework 2: -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Triangle- Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions/routines

-Cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, automatic thoughts

Personal anecdotes: -Matt: Thoughts: Everything is like a mission, everyone is like my flight crew; emotion: stress, anxiety, anger; action: treating every situation like a combat op, your family like soldiers -Mike: Thoughts: must be on time, cross the LD, execute perfectly, no-fail mission; emotion: stress, agitation, frustration, anger; action: yelling, condescension, impatience (why the F*** can't we/you do this?

Key Takeaways/Practical application:

System 1 is quick and energy conserving. The realm of habit but they sometimes don't serve you.

System 2 is deliberate, time consuming and lazy. It will defer to System 1 unless necessary. You must know when to engage System 2 to reprogram Systems 1 when your habits, routines, and automatic thoughts are not serving you.


-Coping ahead (DBT)

-If/Then implementation intention

Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions.

If you're looking for the root cause of repeated suboptimal actions or emotions, you'll more often than not find a suboptimal thought, cognitive distortion, or limiting belief at the core of it.