Episode 13: Magical Beatdown #1 Starring Jamie L. Rotante

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Aug 21 2024 69 mins   6

Welcome to the thirteenth episode of Best Issue Ever! This episode's issue is Magical Beatdown #1 by Jenn Woodall. It was brought to me by Jamie L. Rotante, who is the senior editor at Archie and a columnist at Razorcake, among other things!

Jamie is the best, so go listen to our chat from last year on Bitches On Comics! There are plenty of other ways to follow Jamie, including her newsletter, website, Razorcake column, comics writing work, and/or by buying some Archie. As an Archie megafan, I encourage you to look at some of the stuff they've been putting out lately.

This podcast is recorded in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is edited by Sara Century. The theme music is provided by Earth Control Pill, whose work is on Bandcamp.

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Finally, you could support my other ventures, including the narrative horror podcast Medusa Mask, as well as my work through QueerSpec, including the Bitches On Comics Podcast and the Decoded Horror Channel. Visit my website to sign up for my newsletter for updates. Oh, and I’m a horror writer, so pick up my short story anthology, A Small Light and Other Stories, through Weirdpunk Books, or pretty much wherever else you get books.