DSD 5.8 | Magnesium matters

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Aug 19 2024 24 mins   5

Seems like calcium and phosphorus gather up all the attention, but there is growing awareness of the importance of magnesium – the “runner up mineral” in the dairy cow diet. Some sources of magnesium are simply more available than others. This fact has the ignited the interest of ruminant nutritionists looking to focus their research efforts on determining the most available Mg source so you can get the biggest bang for your buck.

This month we featured an article from Dr. Noelia Silva Del Rio, from UC Davis. She describes her research on the rumen availability of different popular magnesium sources and explains the importance of magnesium and how to improve the mineral status of your herd. Listen in to learn more!

Topics of discussion

1:32 Introduction of Dr. Noelia Silva

3:28 How does vitamin D impact mineral absorption?

3:42 Regulation of bone mineral mobilization

3:55 relationship of Mg normalizing blood vitamin D

4:53 Human mineral deficiencies

6:21 5 forms of Mg researched:

Most soluble, most common and a proprietary blend

7:57 Bolus vs pre-mix

8:51 How magnesium is absorbed in the cow

9:42 Solubility trial: popular is not the same as available

12:18 Why were open, non-lactating dairy cows tested?

13:11 Urine results over 24 hour

15:22 MgS most available (Figure 2)

16:27 Adjust for pre-treatment Mg excretion (Figure 3)

18:09 Recommendations for Nutritionists

20:17 Quick field test for Mg availability

20:57 Take home message for boots on the ground dairy producers

Featured Article:

Relative availability of 5 inorganic magnesium sources in non-pregnant, non-lactating Holstein cows.

Additional Information:

Dr. Goff’s field test - https://www.dairyherd.com/news-news-news/magnesium-most-critical-mineral

Recommended mineral paper for producers: https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/222/11/javma.2003.222.1518.xml

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