Suffer Well... Hebrews 5:7-10 - Alvin Edington

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May 29 2024 44 mins   2
"We must learn to suffer what we cannot evade; our life, like the harmony of the world, is composed of contrary things, and one part is no less necessary than the other." ~Michel de Montaigne
In a world filled with suffering, one may feel it unfair or unnecessary to go through life's turmoils. Maybe it's a terminally ill loved one. Perhaps you feel that systemic conditions have unfairly burdened your life. Why did your marriage dissolve? How is it that your beautiful kids have turned to substance abuse? When will this grief stop? Is there a purpose in our pain? As believers, we must allow the Word to inform our worldview when the world around us makes no sense. In this session, we will look at what it means to Suffer Well.


Alvin Edington