Yeah, we messed up. We recorded this episode like 2 months ago and here we are...It's December and the year is almost over. Anyways, this show we have a little treat. We have one whale from the west coast and one whale from the east coast. Which beer comes out on top? Listen in and see! We have beers provided by the wonderful Beth who had just got back from a trip to Colorado as well as our friends David and Matt!
Beers we had on the show:
Amber Ale by West Side Brewing
Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company
Heady Topper by The Alchemist
One Ping Only by Avery Brewing Co.
Half & Half Geist Tea by Rhinegeist Brewery
Pommeau by Stem Ciders
Cincy Light by Rhinegeist Brewery
Citrodora by HighGrain Brewing Company
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Call the Drunk Line and leave us a message: (804) 445-2337 that's (804) HI-5-BEER
Drink a Spaghett!