Feb 28 2025 35 mins 3
On this week’s Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Fedrick Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers, joins the America's Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the AFT's role in civil rights, challenges in public education and the importance of organizing. On the Malmborg Report, Caleb Jerome Morales discusses the economic realities of independent music and the challenges of sustaining a creative career. On this week’s episode of Stick Together host James Brennan speaks with author Santilla Chingaipe about her book 'Black Convicts: How slavery shaped Australia.' On the Organising for a Change podcast, Martin and Simon are joined by Mick Rix to get behind the headlines of successful organising campaigns like Deliveroo, looking at what tactics are needed to make such work successful - and what success itself looks like. Ryan Hunt, co-founder of Shloop and BLKSWN Footwear, talks with The Manufacturing Report about how his journey to a footwear factory in Meridian, Mississippi began with a bioengineering lab.
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Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.
@AWFUnionPodcast @stick__together @KeepitMadeinUSA #LaborRadioPod @AFLCIO
Edited by Captain Swing, produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.