Jun 06 2023 38 mins 5
In todays episode I chat to solo parent to twins, Julia Shields. Julia has 4 year old twins. Her son was born with a complex heart condition that shapes a lot of how they live their lives.
In this episode we discuss:
- Julias decision to become a solo parent
- The living arrangements Julia has put in place
- How blended family living can work
- Parenting during covid
- The impact of her son having a complex heart condition from new born to today
- How Julia manages through challenging times
and much more......
Huge thanks to Julia for sharing her story and massive respect for the strength she has. She is a true inspiration.
You can follow Julia on Instagram
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About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
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