Jun 16 2024 94 mins 2
“If someone were going to make this story into a movie, I want to hear about the scenes that would be in it.” Notable scenes of Jen Wieczner's career include commuting from Boston to New York while juggling a juice bar job and a journalism internship, scrambling for interviews in Japan, and attending the Goldman Sachs CEO's late night DJ set. Now a features writer at New York Magazine, she discusses how she approaches long-form stories on finance and other topics.
Countries featured: United States, Japan
Publications featured: Fast Company, Marie Claire, Smart Money, Market Watch, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, New York Magazine
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Jen's profile of an abrasive chess master - https://bit.ly/3Xk1nOq
Her story Why Your Boss is Dumping Your Wife - https://bit.ly/4c36wPd
Her profile of Mylan's CEO Heather Bresch - https://bit.ly/4blkawh
Her profile of Steve Cohen's return to hedge funds - https://bit.ly/4elwI9n
Her story on How High Can Bitcoing Go - https://bit.ly/4eADdWa
Her story The Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a Trillion Dollars - https://bit.ly/3XrnXou
Her story about nannies in NYC - https://bit.ly/4eqNSTe
The Atlantic article Bill Ackman Is a Brilliant Fictional Character - https://bit.ly/3VGzkYe
Reeve's Wiedeman's book on WeWork - https://bit.ly/4aZMxQk
Jen's story on Mt. Gox in Japan - https://bit.ly/3Vpxmds
Her Fortune profile of the Goldman Sachs CEO - https://bit.ly/3VoC37b
Her NYMag profile of the Goldman Sachs CEO - https://bit.ly/3VHDJKy
New York Post cover on the Oculus leaking - https://tinyurl.com/36dpkc27
New York Daily News cover on the Oculus leaking - https://images.app.goo.gl/3dP4hzYhBeDJLu3p6
Matt Levine's Bloomberg newsletter - https://tinyurl.com/mxyvmmuk
Patrick Radden Keefe's profile of Larry Gagosian - https://tinyurl.com/hukku73u
Jessica Pressler on Wikipedia - https://tinyurl.com/yeyjwsdt
The movie She Said on IMDb - https://tinyurl.com/3shuv74z
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Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org