In this episode of Respect Life Radio, we reflect on Ann Burns' insightful article, "Mary’s Fiat, the Choice of New Freedom," from Crisis magazine. Burns beautifully illuminates how Mary's "yes" to God’s will—the Fiat—represents not only a moment of obedience but a radical embrace of freedom. By choosing God's plan for her life, Mary shows us the path to true freedom, which is found in living fully in His will. Her example challenges each of us to discern and embrace God's calling, trusting that our surrender to His plan leads to the abundant life He desires for us. Ann reminds us of the importance of being rooted in prayers affirms the truth that each of us have our own Fiat to fulfill regardless of our vocational state. Join us as we explore how Mary's Fiat is a powerful model for living out our own vocations in faith. Ann Burns is a wife, mother, and founder of the Feminine Project.
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