Jan 25 2025 60 mins
My guest this week is Helene… Helene is a Brit living in Switzerland
She quit drinking the day she joined Tribe Sober and more or less threw the book at her sobriety, celebrating her first Soberversary last September.
She celebrated her first Soberversary by booking herself on a Retreat in Bali…which in turn gave us the idea to offer something similar as a Celebration of 10 years of Tribe Sober…
October 20-27th she will be co-hosting the Tribe Sober Bali Retreat alongside myself and Coach Lynette
In this episode:-
- The alcohol free lifestyle has brought both simplicity and freedom into Helenes life;
- She has more time and more mental space.
- Her connections with family, friends, and new people have been enriched and deepened
- We then shifted the topic to a review of her own experience of a Bali retreat last year…
- Helene explained how the pre-retreat excitement built up through WhatsApp groups and we are seeing that already on our Bali WhatsApp group
- The Tribe Sober Bali Whatsapp group is for people who have already booked in for our October retreat and for people who are interested – if you would like to join that group then please get in touch - [email protected]
- We will also be holding Zoom meetings to establish what stage of sobriety the various participants are at so we can tailor the Retreat to meet everyones needs
- Although Helene is well travelled she was still blown away by the beauty of Bali, the lush gardens and the scenic yoga spaces
- I asked her to describe a typical day …
she mentioned pre-breakfast yoga (which was optional), delicious breakfast, and a mix of relaxation and activities on offer - The day would come to a close with a sharing circle followed by dinner and an early night
- The Retreat was designed to foster personal growth, connections, and self-care.
- I asked Helene to list her highlights of the Retreat:-
- Connection: She’s created lifelong bonds with diverse, supportive women from around the world.
- Nourishment for Body and Soul: Delicious plant-based food, smoothies, and the affordability of Bali meant she could have daily massages and indulge
- Her third highlight was the Lasting Impact…The retreat created deep and enduring connections, revitalized the mind and body, and reinforced Helenes sobriety – so much so that she is planning to do a Retreat every year as a marker for her ongoing sobriety!
We talked about the Tribe Sober Bali retreat and agreed that the Ideal Participants would be:-
- Women in early sobriety - with at least a month of sobriety, wanting to consolidate their progress, get inspired by others further down the path…and make their sobriety stick.
- People further down the path who are eager to relax and engage with others on the same journey - there is a deep and instant bond created when we mix with other people who have struggled with alcohol dependence themselves – a connection which doesn’t exist with our friends and family who have not been through a similar experience
- People who are struggling in sobriety and need a motivation boost - an incentive to either get started or to sustain their sobriety – Helene and I have both experienced what I call the “early sobriety blues” – when you’ve been sober for a few months you can get hit by a “flat” feeling and start asking yourself the question:-
I’m Sober Now What?
- A perfect answer to that question is to book on our Bali Retreat!!
- It will reward you for your hard work getting this far, connect you with others who will inspire you, change your perspective and enable you to fall in love with the alcohol free lifestyle you are building.
- The sharing circles and coaching will ensure that you to leave the retreat feeling inspired, energised and ready to pursue new dreams and projects!
I personally think there are 3 groups of women who will benefit particularly from this retreat:-
Mid-lifers – mid life is tricky – we are often coping with the menopause, career challenges and an empty nest – it’s a time of uncertainty and we need to reflect on what we want from the second half of our life
Older ladies like myself – I’ll be 74 when we go to Bali but I know it’s important to stay open to new experiences
I like to keep in mind something that Tribe Team member Lucy always says:-
"We don’t stop doing things because we get old, we get old because we stop doing things!"
So if you are a bit older like me do think about joining us – if you have any health worries you’ll be glad to know that there are excellent medical facilities on the island should a doctor be needed!
Third group of people this Retreat is perfect for is those women who know in their hearts they are drinking too much but just can’t seem to get started…or if they have started they can’t seem to make it stick
It’s exhausting hopping on and off that wagon and for many of us it goes on for years (in fact did you know that 11 years is the average time that people spend procrastinating about their drinking problem before they take action!)
That’s why we’re offering a special deal to help people to kickstart this life changing journey…
We’re including a free Masterclass, Membership and Coaching session to the next few people who pay their deposit on our Bali Retreat.
Talking of payment we have a 3-part payment plan – first payment reserves your spot then second and third payments are later in the year.
Check out the Bali Retreat info via this link and then email me on [email protected] and we’ll get you started on this life changing journey
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Tribe Sober membership – you can join up HERE.
- To access our website, click HERE.
- If you would like a free copy of our “Annual Tracker” or our e-book 66 Days to Sobriety, please email [email protected].
- If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email [email protected].
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This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program. If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up today
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