Mar 26 2024 178 mins 3
Parental Advisory Explicit Content. We’re joined by our good friend Sam “The Man” Wetz to discuss AC/DC’s dirtiest album ever: Ballbreaker. With an in depth lyrical breakdown of songs like “Cover You in Oil” and “The Honey Roll”, you’ll be shocked by just how lewd and politically incorrect AC/DC was in 1995. Is Ballbreaker a concept album about perpetual male ejaculation? Is Ballbreaker also a politically reactionary album with a bias against the Clinton administration? Did the release of the album cause the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal to happen? Also was Ballbreaker a reaction to casual fans who got into them with The Razor’s Edge? Why don’t AC/DC still play “Hard as a Rock” and “Ballbreaker” in concert? What do we think of the “Big Gun” single and Rick Ruben as a producer? We also discuss the righteous return of Phil Rudd, what Rudd brings to the band, Beavis and Butt-head’s role in AC/DC’s classic rock canonization, AC/DC in the grunge era, the dark and bluesy influence of Powerage on Ballbreaker and we say “balls” even more than we did in our last episode. So pour yourself a whiskey on the rocks, get ready to break some balls and whatever you do: don’t let your wives or daughters hear what you’re listening to!!