Aug 19 2024 20 mins 4
As per listener suggestions after Codex Tyranids 4th edition, here we go with separated rules and stats episodes for the Chaos Space Marines.
Like my readings of GW literature? Why not do me a favour and post on the Black Library Facebook page and tell them you want me to narrate one of their audiobooks? That would make my week to be honest.
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Thank you to Gav Thorpe and Alessio Cavatore for writing the fiction I grew up with.
Gav Thorpe on Twitter:
Gav Thorpe's website:
Alessio Cavatore on Twitter:
Are there any old codexes you think I should turn into audio next? Let me know at or at robertjbayley(at) Get in touch with me if you've got an old Codex you want to donate to the project too and we can discuss postage options.
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This production, like all of Oldex, is entirely unofficial and uncommercial, from an out of print publication, is a derivative work with all copyrights owned by Games Workshop and is a celebration of the hobby.