MobileViews Podcast 533: Android OS 15 impressions from Pixel 9/9Pro users; iPad mini 7; 1 year until Windows 10 EOLs

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Oct 20 2024 44 mins  

Jon Westfall and I are joined by frequent guest panelists Sven Johannsen and Don Sorcinelli for this podcast.

  • I note that Windows 10 is one year away from its End Of Life data (Oct. 14, 2025). My plan is to convert my un-upgradeable Windows 10 laptop (a 2019 HP Envy with an AMD Ryzen processor) to ChromeOS Flex

  • Logitech's apparent environmental influenced design choice to build keyboards using non-rechargeable batteries (alkaline or lithium)

  • Don and Sven's initial Android OS 15 impressions on their new Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro (respectively) phones

  • The recently announced, and soon to be available, iPad mini A17 Pro (which we refer to as the iPad mini 7)