Feb 04 2025 49 mins
Your pain has a purpose—God is working behind the scenes.
-When we surrender our brokenness, God uses it to bring freedom, healing, and restoration to many.
-God can transform the darkest seasons of our lives into testimonies of His power.
-Your brokenness has an extraordinary purpose.
-Every delay matters for God.
-Your faithfulness and hard work never g----more----o unnoticed and unrewarded.
-You never know what God is working on behind the scenes to bring about something beyond what you have ever imagined.
-Broken in her marriage, but beautiful in the hands of God to bring about something beautiful and marvelous.
-Hagar’s story reminds us that even when your closed ones reject you, God never does.
-His compassion reached to the unseen, unloved and forgotten.
-Mary Magdalene’s story reminds us that no attack—whether spiritual, emotional, or physical—is greater than God’s power to heal and restore.
-Our past doesn't define us - Once she was demon possessed, now she is a witness for Christ's resurrection.
-"You are stigmatized by the devil as he gained influence in your life, shattering everything you once built. Today, you may feel broken, but remember, you are broken, but beautiful."
-I don't know whether the woman caught in adultery was beautiful or not, but two things I know, 1. she was broken, 2. once her sins were forgiven she became beautiful on the inside.