In a couple prior episodes, I mentioned that I wanted you to conduct yourself in a way in this pandemic that when you look back, you will be proud of everything you did over the whole duration of it. You’ll be proud of how you conducted yourself at every step. I still mean every word of that suggestion, but I feel like I need to expand on how I think about having a sense of pride more broadly.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on in early 2021 -
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
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