Jun 10 2024 42 mins 5
On this week's episode, Corey DeAngelis, school choice evangelist and author of the Parent Revolution, joins the podcast to discuss the importance of school choice in protecting parental rights, his experience in a charter school, and why the criticism of school choice (even from the right) is all a fear tactic to build up opposition.
0:00 - Intro
2:11 - How Corey got involved
6:21 - His charter school experience
10:00 - Is school choice or the unions destroying America?
16:35 - Momentum towards school choice
21:18 - School Choice 101
28:42 - Criticism of School Choice
36:00 - Advice for parents in blue states
40:37 - Conclusion
►Connect with Corey: https://x.com/DeAngelisCorey
►Connect with Tiffany: https://twitter.com/4TiffanyJustice
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