[As this is my birthday month, I wanted to give you a very special gift I gave myself this past year].
This year, I had the opportunity to dive deeper into Wellness & Biohacking and to learn how significant it is in building one’s physical & mental resilience. That’s how I met Maya Elhalal, a Biohacking Expert.
So, who already took the plunge into the IceBath? 🧊🛀 From hardly 2 minutes, I’m already doing 6 min in 4 celsius degrees. This is how I got stronger.
In order to be resilient founders, we need to take care of our bodies & minds, and to do so - we need to dive deeper. Literally.
Our bodies always try to communicate with us; we just don’t know how to listen.
Biohacking includes so many tools & hacks for checking & improving the body's functionalities, that impacts our wellbeing, resilience & performance.
As entrepreneurs - it’s crucial to learn how to use it with respect & care.
I invited the amazing Maya to my show, to share with you all the important hacks of Biohacking. Listen to our conversation and learn how to manage stress and avoid burnout >>
Special thanks to @zur genosar and the @Hoffman Kofman Foundation for opening my eyes to Biohacking and to Maya, who is an outstanding professional who also became a friend.