Jun 18 2024 29 mins 9
It's a therapeutics evidence feast this month.
We start with deprescribing in older adults - Anna Hung, assistant professor at the Duke University School of Medicine has written a summary of the evidence, and we discuss why there are so few trials on an important topic.
Metformin is typically first line for type II diabetes, but what should be next? A new cohort study emulating a comparative effectiveness trial has been published, and the team discuss using observational data for this very common problem.
Finally, a new trial on nirmaltrevir for covid 19 in those at higher risk of severe disease or those who are unvaccinated.
BMJ - Deprescribing in older adults with polypharmacy
NEJM - Nirmatrelvir for Vaccinated or Unvaccinated Adult Outpatients with Covid-19