Dan Yashinsky is a self-proclaimed ex-hippy, originally from California, he is young at heart and has been telling stories for as long as he can remember. His interest was telling stories for adults and because if you don’t have a venue for telling stories, one needs to make one. Dan created several venues for telling. He has written and edited books, won countless awards and is a very well-respected and popular storyteller throughout the world.
Unfortunately, it turned out we didn’t have long to talk, however, we covered a lot in the short amount of time we had. Dan mentions Bob Barton, Joan Bodger and Alice Kane amongst others, and there was a book we could not remember the title of. Written by Ms. Bodger it is called: “How the Heather Looks” and talks about her travels in the UK visiting sights where British children’s literature took place.
We talk about developing the language of stories, words, and how we should “never give the audience an ace when a 2 will do…” (so the audience can remain in the story themselves). We also asked, what are we doing as emerging storytellers in this still beginning, in Dan's words, renaissance of storytelling?
Reach out to Dan at his website: https://tellery.com/dan-yashinsky/
And the video he talks about regarding his stories and his partner’s dance: https://www.youtube.com/@AnnemarieCabri
The book he recommends by Alice Kane: https://broadviewpress.com/product/the-dreamer-awakes/#tab-description
If you are interested in telling in Toronto and maybe seeing Dan- https://1001fridays.org/wordpress/
And lastly, but not least (ly!) I hope you enjoy this episode of Conversations with Storytellers.