Jan 06 2025 56 mins
You have seen God work for others, their marriages, their children, their finances. You’ve seen God move in so many areas, you’ve seen Him do all kinds of miracles for everyone else, and you love to see Him do it. But in your quiet time, in the place where no one else hears you, where no one is looking or peeking over, you ask, “What about me? When will that miracle that I need to happen happen to me?” You feel selfish for thinking it, but it’s still how you feel. “When, God? What about me?” The lepers in 2 Kings 6 had a mindset we should follow: “let’s get up from sitting here and find what is out there for us.” God orchestrated an entire army to flee from the sound of chariots, leaving behind everything for the lepers to find. All of it was there for them to find. They just had to get up and go find it.
Monologue: Autumn shares what her and her husband do at the end of each year to check in with each other.
Message: Autumn encourages believers who have seen God’s miracles in Scripture gain hope to see God do the same miracles for them, diving into the lives of a group of lepers during a famine in 2 Kings 6.
Closing: Autumn advises how to set this new year, and every year, before God to do the miraculous for you.
Bible References:
2 Kings 6:24-7:8
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
NuWell Online Christian Counseling
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