May 07 2023 19 mins
In this 20 min episode Rini speaks to Dr Grace Spence Green, a junior doctor who sustained a spinal cord injury as a senior medical student and became a wheelchair user. Grace talks about her journey, tackling her own ableism, the importance of asking not assuming, representation and how we can begin to fill the dearth on disability teaching in healthcare education. There are so many top tips in this conversation including thinking about:
- Your own bias
- How to have honest conversations
- How accesible our environments are
- The whole person in the context of their community and their life
- Reading books like Disability Visibility by Alice Wong, listening to stories from and by those with diablities
- Who you follow on social media including Grace herself @gspencegreen
This was a joyful and inspiring conversation, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.