Jul 30 2024 44 mins 1
Guest: Tamara Winfrey-Harris
Tamara Winfrey-Harris is a writer, speaker and dedicated champion for all women and girls. She serves as president of Women’s Fund of Central Indiana, a special interest fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation that convenes, invests and advocates so all who identify as women or girls in Central Indiana have an equitable opportunity to reach their full potential no matter their place, race or identity.
Tamara is the author of the award-winning The Sisters Are Alright: Changing the Broken Narrative of Black Women in America (Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2015); Dear Black Girl: Letters From Your Sisters On Stepping Into Your Power (Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2021); and A Black Woman’s Guide to Getting Free (Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2024).
Tamara is co-founder of Black Women’s Writing Society, a monthly virtual space for Black femme creatives in Indianapolis. She is also a registered yoga teacher and reiki master, who focuses her work on the healing and well-being of her sisters.
Sites and Socials:
Other Links for this Episode:
Women’s Fund of Central Indianna: https://www.womensfund.org/
Rolf Gates Yoga: https://www.rolfgates.com/pages/training/2019-COMMUNITIES%20RIZING-200-hour-vinyasa-yoga-teacher-training/
LoudMouth Books https://loudmouthindy.com/
Indy Reads: https://indyreads.org/
Charis Books: https://www.charisbooksandmore.com/
Bookshop.org: https://www.bookshop.org
Bluestockings Book Collective: https://bluestockings.com/
Red Emma’s: https://redemmas.org/
The Strand: https://www.strandbooks.com/