Jan 25 2025 19 mins
In this episode, we delve into an often overlooked horror franchise. "Subspecies" has six direct-to-video films. All were written and directed by Ted Nicolaou. Produced by Full Moon Pictures the franchise delivers schlocky story lines and is somewhat of an "acquired" taste.
Positives about the series include the shooting locations. Castle ruins add an authentic feel. The vampires in "Subspecies" turn into shadows instead of bats. That makes for some cool visuals. Anders Hove and Denice Duff star as Radu and Michelle throughout the movies--giving the series a consistent feel. Negatives include cheap special effects and soap opera-y story lines. I could have also done without the "subspecies". They dont have much air time and dont even appear after movie three. I'm not sure what their purpose was supposed to be.
Given that the series was the first to shoot in Romania after the collapse in the USSR, it should be no surprise that I'm covering traditional Romain foods in this episode. Romanian foods are known for being hearty and flavorful. The national food of Romania is Sarmale. Sarmale is cabbage rolled with minced meat and herbs. It is served at every holiday and gathering. See TheRomanianCookbook.com for a Sarmale recipe and details on other popular Romanian foods.
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