Dec 06 2024 45 mins 3
Today our guest is Dr. Ben Schwartz, Neuroscience Advisor and Lecturer in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at Baylor University. Dr. Schwartz earned his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in 2021, following his B.S. from UCLA in 2016. His academic journey has been driven by a profound interest in neural plasticity and its critical roles in learning, memory, development, and recovery from central nervous system damage. At Baylor, Dr. Schwartz teaches Learning and Behavior and Affective Neuroscience, and a graduate seminar on teaching psychology. With this clinical research background, Ben speaks across campus about the biological bases for learning and how this can inform our teaching. We’re delighted to have Dr. Schwartz on the show to discuss common myths about learning and continual improvement in teaching.