Nov 06 2022 62 mins 1
The best-laid plans, often go awry! Despite what certainly felt like a master plan, things did not go well in the abandoned mining camp. Finding themselves locked in battle with the band of Goblinoids led by the violent Wretch and his enforcer War-Pony, our heroes could still pull themselves out of the sticky situation they created. With the battle behind them, the Axe Factor find themselves in an ethical dilemma when the life of their former enemy now lies in their hands. Will the party take this chance to end an Inquisition threat while they still have it? Only one way to find out, listen to TABLETOP TROUBLE!
Theme Music Provided by Andromida -
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DM - Mike
Isaac (Human Warlock) - Jace
Whizz (Genasi Bard/Sorcerer) - Allie
Kako (Elf Ranger) - Nico
Raev (Kalashtar Barbarian) - Kitty
Cast member Nico Evergreen is employed by Wizards of the Coast, LLC. This content is presented with no affiliation to Wizards of the Coast. The thoughts and statements expressed by all cast members are their own and are not endorsed by or representative of Wizards of the Coast.